Call for Applications: Saboteur Awards and Festival 2023

As 2022 comes to a close, we are looking ahead to 2023 and what the next year holds for the Saboteur Awards and Festival. 

Across the sector, we have seen people beginning to come back together in person to celebrate and discuss the arts. Last year, we hosted our festival events online and we were delighted to see a new audience able to access our offer. 

Whether it was attendance from overseas, busy parents squeezing time in around their childcare, our usual audience members or those who needed additional access needs, we appreciated the benefits of working virtually. This year, we would like to take a hybrid approach to the full festival, offering events both online and in person. 

We currently have an open call for event applications for the festival in 2022 (taking place in the week from 15th May – 20th May). Please make it clear if your event would be online, in person or either, and how your event may differ if taking place online or in person. 

Please see below the requirements for your application. We will accept written applications, as well as video or audio applications via email. 

Deadline for applications: 19th December 2022 


We are looking for diverse and thought-provoking 30-45 minute panels investigating an aspect of independent literature (whether fiction, spoken word, publishing, producing, digital and interactive modes etc.), bringing to light a particular feature/point of view, or opening up discussion on a pertinent topic.

Given the ways in which the pandemic has encouraged so many of us to adapt, we are also especially interested in discussions that address diversity and inclusivity in independent literature.

We prefer fully formed panels with a title and secured panellists.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your panel
  • a 250 word description of your panel
  • where applicable short third-person biographies for each panellist
  • an estimated fee
  • Preference: Online, in person, or either. Include how the different format would affect your event. 

For the sake of clarity: we are applying for Arts Council Funding this year and we hope to be able to pay panellists a fee. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration.


We are looking for creative workshops on any aspect of indie literature (whether fiction, spoken word, publishing, producing, digital and interactive modes etc.).

Given the ways in which the pandemic has encouraged so many of us to adapt, we are also especially interested in workshops that address: running events online; the practicalities of online platforms used in literary endeavours; collaborating through digital means, and similar topics. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

You can lead a workshop alone or in pairs.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your workshop
  • 250 word description of your workshop
  • short third-person biographies for each workshop leader
  • indicate skill level required, number of ideal participants, and whether it is an open or closed workshop
  • Length of time (ideally 1 hour)
  • an estimated fee
  • Preference: Online, in person, or either. Include how the different format would affect your event. 

For the sake of clarity: we are applying for Arts Council Funding this year and we hope to be able to pay workshop leaders a fee. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration.


We are open to submissions from poetry collectives or for group projects to deliver poetry shows or performances of anything up to 30 minutes. Preference will be given to groups choosing an unusual theme or experimenting with performance and delivery through their work.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your concept
  • 250 word description of your performance
  • short third-person biographies for each performer
  • an estimated fee
  • Preference: Online, in person, or either. Include how the different format would affect your event. 

For the sake of clarity: We are applying for Arts Council Funding this year and we hope to be able to pay performers a fee. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration.


Great idea that doesn’t fit into the above? Get in touch with your idea. 


We will close submissions on 19th December 2022 at 12 noon. Submit by emailing Heddwen Creaney at [email protected], with the subject line ‘Saboteur Awards Proposal’ – please follow the instructions above to include the right information.