Saboteur Awards Festival: Open for Applications

As Sabotage Reviews turns 8 next year, we will be hosting an all-day celebration of indie literature in all of its forms, followed in the evening by the results announcement, and are inviting proposals for:

  • Panels
  • Workshops
  • Performances
  • Installations/Site Specific Performances
  • Other

Date: 19th May 2018, Theatre Delicatessen (Broadgate)

Accessibility: the venue is wheelchair-friendly and close to Moorgate station in London.

Each is described in more detail below.

Deadline for proposal submissions is 2nd January 2018. Submit by emailing [email protected] with the subject line ‘Saboteur Awards Proposal’ – please follow the instructions below to include the right information.


We are looking for diverse and thought-provoking 45 minute panels investigating an aspect of indie literature (whether fiction, spoken word, publishing, producing, digital and interactive modes etc), bringing to light a particular feature/point of view, or opening up discussion on a pertinent topic.

We prefer fully formed panels with a title and secured panellists, but if you have an idea for an exciting panel and need help bringing it together do still send in your application.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your panel
  • a 250 word description of your panel
  • where applicable short third-person biographies for each panellist

For the sake of clarity: we are applying for Arts Council Funding and hope to be able to pay panellists a fee + cover travel expenses. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration.


We are looking for creative workshops on any aspect of indie literature (whether fiction, spoken word, publishing, producing, digital and interactive modes etc).

You can lead a workshop alone or in pairs. We are also keen for an open drop-in-drop-out relaxed workshop to take place in the main space downstairs – if this sounds like a challenge you’d be interested in let us know.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your workshop
  • 250 word description of your workshop
  • short third-person biographies for each workshop leader
  • indicate skill level required, number of ideal participants, and whether it is an open or closed workshop
  • Length of time (ideally 1-2 hours maximum)

For the sake of clarity: we are applying for Arts Council Funding and hope to be able to pay workshop leaders a fee + cover travel expenses. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration.


Rather than traditional readings, we are looking for people to participate in PechaKucha (20×20) sessions throughout the day. The constraint is: 20 slides automatically playing for 20 seconds each.

We are looking for poetry performances that use the slide constraint imaginatively, TED-style talks about particular aspects of indie literature, and anything else your imagination summons.

Outside of this, we are open to maybe 1 or 2 more ‘traditional’ readings as groups of 2-3 but preference will be given to groups choosing an unusual theme or involving multimedia aspects to their performance.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your concept
  • 250 word description of your performance
  • short third-person biographies for each performer
  • Indicate whether it’s a PechaKucha performance or other, and what technology will be needed

For the sake of clarity: We are applying for Arts Council Funding and hope to be able to pay performers a fee + cover travel expenses. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration.

Installations/Site Specific Performances

Formerly known as the Dynamite Commission, we are looking for proposals for site-specific and/or installation works that could take place either throughout the day or only during the awards themselves. We are hoping that there will be the opportunity to exhibit works of art that blend literature and visual arts, so this is a possibility too.

Apply by sending in:

  • Title of your concept
  • 250 word description of your installation/site-specific performance
  • short third-person biographies for each performer/artist
  • Indicate technical requirements, including length of time required (if relevant

For the sake of clarity: We are applying for Arts Council Funding and hope to be able to pay performers a fee + cover travel expenses. If funding is not possible we will work out a ticket-based system of remuneration


Great idea that doesn’t fit into the above? Email anyway!


Deadline for proposal submissions is 2nd January 2018. Submit by emailing [email protected] with the subject line ‘Saboteur Awards Proposal’ – please follow the instructions below to include the right information.